Ankit Doshi's Diary

ankit9doshi 2.0

29th Octber 2012

Yes. I am reviving It is all a result of a bet and you’ll see this space with a new post from me for the next 12 weeks. I have given a commitment to write something for the next dozen weeks. The nature of the other side of the bet is such that I can only talk about it if it actually happens.

Have also done slight modifications to the layout of the website. No old content has been deleted. Just reorganized to focus on the present. Commenting can still be done only under individual articles. For latest articles, follow the navigation on the left bar under 2.0. The most recent piece is on the top.

Announcing the launch of

30th April 2011

Inspired by the appreciation received for this website, we have launched

We have decided to take this concept to a completely different level and engage best minds in the country to deliver value .

We will wait for your feedback about the website!